Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


Castelo Mendo | Percurso Azul

Castelo Mendo

44.053 km

Castelo Mendo


Places of passage: Pínzio, Castanheira, Pousade, Rochoso, Parada, Ade, Mesquitela

It departs the Historical Village of Castelo Mendo by climbing towards the N16, where it turns left and heads west for around 12 km as far as Pínzio before bearing left towards Castanheira. The N16 was once one of the main international routes to Portugal, with very heavy traffic, but ever since the coming of the motorways it has been more geared towards local traffic. Even so a few vehicles may still pass. After Castanheira it heads south towards Pousade and Rochoso, where it changes direction to the east, in the direction of Parada, before turning right towards Ade. In Ade it goes straight on towards Mesquitela and then left, before the town, towards the Historical Village of Castelo Mendo, where the route ends