Covenant of Mayors – Europe
Historical Villages of Portugal
Bearing in mind the global importance of the process of adapting to climate change and energy efficiency, the AHP-ADT, in partnership with the 10 municipalities that make up the Network, set out to create the conditions for the territory and its agents to be better prepared for climate and energy challenges. It should be noted that the work carried out respects the guidelines established in the Covenant of Mayors in terms of the sectors analysed and with concrete proposals for intervention and the areas defined by the AHP-ADT as fundamental to address, correlated with the unique characteristics of the territories in question, but also with their current areas of specialisation and those that are intended to be consolidated (Tourism, Cultural and Creative Industries, Agriculture, Renovation/construction/energy efficiency, Technology, Mobility).
To this end, the 2030 Energy and Climate Action Plans for the 12 Historic Villages of Portugal were drawn up (with the aim of strengthening adaptation to climate change at local level, promoting the positioning of the network of Villages as a territory with low energy and carbon intensity, materialised in actions geared towards greater environmental sustainability and better energy recovery), which can be accessed below: