Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


Monastery of Santa Maria de Aguiar

Castelo Rodrigo

Castelo Rodrigo

Cistercian masculine monastery, consisting of a church with a Latin cross floor plan, three naves, a protruding transept and chapel, following the design used for the Church of La Prée in France, with a simple apse containing only the main chapel, the typology of which was changed following restoration work at the beginning of the 20th century with the construction of two apsidioles, originating producing a Bernardine staggered tripartite apse. Naves with two bays, ceilings with pointed rib vault. Main door with an unadorned semi-circular arch. Convent facilities linked to the transept wing. Affinities Santa Clara a Velha in Coimbra, São Francisco in Porto, Santa Maria de la Espina in Valladolid. National style altar piece.