Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


Solar dos Pinheiros (locally known as the Casa do Chafariz Mono)



No. 12 of the Rua Marquês da Graciosa, the old Rua Direita, is locally known as the Casa do Chafariz Mono. It is an example of refined architecture of the Baroque period. Its trapezoidal floor plan has two storeys in one section and three storeys in another, being adapted to the slope of the terrain. The building sits on a corner between two streets, but only the main facade is carefully dealt with, the side facade facing Rua da Azinheira being relegated to a secondary place. It is trimmed with a frieze and cornice and set off by corners with Tuscan pilasters; the windows are framed rectangular openings. The main door is magnificent, with a broken and scrolled pediment, topped by the family coat of arms. It is a unique building of erudite design, constituting one of the best local examples of manorial urban residential architecture.