Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


Belmonte | Percurso Azul
Percursos Cicláveis


33.009 km

Castelo de Belmonte


Places of passage: Olas, Trigais, Bendada, Sortelha, Santo Amaro, Carvalhal

The route departs the Historical Village of Belmonte next to the castle and heads east towards Olas on a narrow and picturesque rural road. Further on it crosses the railway line, climbs for a short distance and descends towards Olas. Shortly after this small village it bears left towards Trigais and Bendada, with some demanding climbs in the vicinity of the Historical Village of Sortelha. It then heads south towards Santo Amaro and west towards Carvalhal. The end is almost in sight, but there is still one last climb up to the Historical Village and its imposing castle, where the route ends.