Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


Piódão | Percurso Vermelho
Percursos Cicláveis


47.082 km



Places of passage: Vide, Foz D´Égua, Casas Figueiras, Abitureira, Rodeado, Parente, Alvôco das Várzeas, Aldeia das Dez. Goulinho, Vale de Maceira,

This route leaves the main square of Piódão on the Vide road and runs downhill, steeply in some places. Some care is recommended on the way down, as there may be some traffic and the road is narrow and uneven, with steep slopes on the other side of the verge. The route is all downhill as far as Vide and the narrow road has a poor surface and no verges or protection. It passes through some hamlets lost in the mountains. Foz D'Égua, Casas Figueiras, Abitureira and Rodeado, among others. Before reaching Vide it takes a left turn onto the N230, next to the bridge over the river Alvôco. It passes Vide and follows the N230 alongside the river Alvôco as far as the Três Entradas Bridge, passing through Parente and Alvôco das Várzeas. At the Três Entradas the route turns left and starts to climb up unto the Serra do Açor, with medium gradients of between 1 in 20 and 7 in 100, steeping in some places. The climb is about 15 km long and passes through some villages such as Aldeia das Dez, Goulinho and Vale de Maceira, with the mount of Senhora das Necessidades on the left and wonderful views of the Serra do Açor on the right, with its deep valleys and slopes dotted with small villages lost in time. At the top the route turns left and descends towards Piódão on a road with a good surface for speed and hairpin bends to warm up the brakes. The first glimpse of the Historical Village fills your soul with the image and the feeling that this is one of Portugal’s hidden treasures. It ends in the main square in Piódão.