Aldeias Históricas de Portugal


PR2 ALM | Castelo Mendo

Castelo Mendo

6 km

Castelo Mendo


Places of passage: Calçada Medieval, Castelo, Miradouro, Ruína Igreja de Santa Maria, Berrões de Castelo Mendo, Pontão de S. Miguel

Starting in the Historical Village of Castelo Mendo, discover the historical site of the valley of the River Côa. Follow the ancestral paths which link the village to the river, almost always surrounded by stone walls, and be amazed by the beauty of these landscapes in this border region. The path is circular and accessible to almost everyone, partially overlaps the two Great Routes that cross the path and allow you to explore the vast lands of Riba-Côa: Great Route of the Historical Villages and Great Route of Vale do Côa.