Best Tourism Villages
Historical Villages of Portugal
The Historical Villages of Castelo Rodrigo, Castelo Novo and Sortelha were recognised and distinguished (in 2021, 2022 and 2023 respectively) as the "Best Tourism Villages in the World" in the first three editions of the "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO", an initiative promoted by the World Tourism Organisation.
In 2021, the Historical Village of Castelo Rodrigo was recognised as one of the "Best Tourism Villages", among 170 candidates from 75 countries, in the first edition of "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO", an initiative promoted by the World Tourism Organisation.
The debut edition of the "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO" initiative, promoted by the World Tourism Organisation, distinguished villages around the world that are genuinely committed to promoting and preserving their cultural and historical legacy and promoting sustainable tourism. Through the example of the "Best Tourist Villages", the World Tourism Organisation seeks to demonstrate that tourism can be a positive force for rural development and the well-being of communities.
In the second edition of the initiative (in 2022), it was the Historical Village's turn to be recognised, located in the heart of the Gardunha mountains, in a natural amphitheatre landscape, in shades of green and grey granite. Picturesque and inspiring, it was recognised as one of the "Best Tourism Villages", among 130 candidates from 57 countries, in the second edition of "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO".
This second edition of the "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO" initiative honoured villages around the world that are genuinely committed to promoting and preserving their cultural and historical legacy and promoting sustainable tourism. In the specific case of the Historical Village of Castelo Novo, recent projects such as "Sustainable Urban Mobility" developed in partnership with Renault Portugal, the implementation of the fibre optic network with Altice and a series of measures in the field of accessibility, were decisive in being awarded the "Best Tourist Villages" distinction.
Located in the heart of the Gardunha mountain range, Castelo Novo is a unique historical village with no equal in the world. Shrouded in an aura of mysticism, everything about this place captivates, from the sound of the water flowing from the fountains, to the perpetual granite that erects the Historical Village and carves the houses, the pavements and the squares. A unique architectural heritage.
In the 2023 edition, and for the third time in a row, one of Portugal's 12 Historic Villages is honoured with the "Best Tourism Village" award. Sortelha was honoured in the third edition of the "Best Tourism Villages by UNWTO" initiative. Located in the municipality of Sabugal, in the district of Guarda, this simple village stands in a place full of steep cliffs, which seem to surround it like a ring ("sortija", in Castilian), where the walls also take on a circular shape.
The three applications for "Best Tourist Village" were invited by Turismo de Portugal to the Historical Villages of Portugal. The concerted work between the two organisations culminated in the submission of three winning applications.