Castelo Novo | Percurso Verde
Castelo Novo
15.085 km
Castelo Novo
Places of passage: Alpedrinha, Touca, Gândaras de Baixo, Atalaia do Campo
The route departs the Historical Village on a steep descent, crossing the stream by the river park and joining the N18, where it turns left. Alpedrinha is found after a few kilometres of gentle climb and is well worth visiting. From here the route turns right and heads downhill along the Touca road, crosses a railway line and turns right again onto a very pretty rural road that takes you past farms and houses before rejoining the N18. You join this road on a blind curve, so care should be taken with traffic, although it is light. The route continues straight towards Gândaras de Baixo, where it turns right just before the Atalaia do Campo crossroads and climbs the Escaldado slope to Castelo Novo, again on a very pretty narrow rural road. The cobblestoned arrival at the Historical Village follows the GR22 route, and ends at Largo da Bica.