Castelo Novo | Percurso Vermelho
Castelo Novo
57.027 km
Castelo Novo
Places of passage: Alpedrinha, Fundão, Alcongosta, Souto da Casa, Vale Palaio, Vale d´Urso, Paradanta, S. Vicente da Beira, Casal da Serra, Louriçal do Campo, S. Fiel, Soalheira, Atalaia do Campo,
The route departs the Historical Village on a steep descent, crossing the stream by the river park and joining the N18, where it turns left. Alpedrinha is found after a few kilometres of gentle climb and is well worth visiting. It follows the Gardunha hills upwards in the direction of Fundão, with a climb of around 4 km on shallow gradients. At the peak, a hairpin bend directs you towards the north face of the Gardunha hills with views over the Serra da Estrela on the other side of Cova da Beira. The descent continues towards Fundão before being interrupted around 3 km later with a left turn towards the slopes of the Gardunha hills, full of cherry orchards, towards Alcongosta. After passing Alcongosta with its steep cobbled streets, it continues to undulate through cherry orchards until the descent to Souto da Casa. Make sure you enjoy the stunning views of Serra da Estrela. Upon reaching the N238 it turns left and follows this road for 2.5 km as far as the Vale Palaio roundabout, where it changes course southwards and takes you back up unto the Gardunha hills, on gentle gradients, passing through Vale d'Urso and Paradanta. The descent to São Vicente da Beira is also gentle and on a fine surface. In this Beira village it turns left for the most demanding climb on the route, to Casal da Serra. 200 m are climbed in just over 2 km, with stretches of steep inclines of more than 3 in 20. At the top there is a short descent to Casal da Serra, in the heart of the Gardunha hills, from where the route continues downwards towards Torre and Louriçal do Campo. Next is São Fiel and a left turn to Soalheira, which the route crosses to join the N18, which it follows until shortly after the Atalaia do Campo crossroads where it turns left and climbs up to Castelo Novo on the Escaldado slope, on a very pretty narrow rural road. The cobblestoned arrival at the Historical Village follows the GR22 route, and ends at Largo da Bica.