Sortelha | Percurso Vermelho
62.098 km
Places of passage: Sabugal, Aldeia Santo Antonio, Santo Estevão, Terreiro das Bruxas, Casteleiro, Santo Amaro, Carvalhal, Belmonte, Olas, Trigais, Bendada
The route departs the Historical Village of Sortelha from the Corro square and heads east, turning right onto the M542. It continues uphill towards Sabugal, bypassing Aldeia de Santo António. On the descent towards Sabugal the imposing castle emerges after the final curve, in the middle of a forest. The route joins the N233 and continues to the right, slightly uphill towards Santo Estevão. There may be some light or even heavy traffic on these kilometres of the N233. After a few kilometres the route starts to descend towards Santo Estevão, followed by Terreiro das Bruxas where it veers right towards Casteleiro and Santo Amaro. It then goes straight until turning right towards Carvalhal, in the direction of the Historical Village of Belmonte. Belmonte is accessed uphill and the route crosses the village and descends towards the east. Belmonte is well worth a visit. After leaving Belmonte, it turns left at the roundabout and then right towards Olas, on a narrow and picturesque rural road. Further on it crosses the railway line, climbs for a short distance and descends towards Olas. Shortly after this small village it bears left towards Trigais and Bendada, with some demanding climbs in the vicinity of the Historical Village of Sortelha. After the descent to Azenha it turns left and embarks on a tough climb of around 3 km to Sortelha. It enters the village to the right and continues upwards, following the wall on cobblestone streets and entering the Historical Village by the west gate, descending to Corro square on picturesque streets.