Emotion, history and encounters. The GR22 Historical Villages is proof that borders are not meant to separate, but to unite. The GR22 - Historical Villages, which connects the 12 Historical Villages of Portugal by stages, in a circular route of around 600 kilometres, has been awarded the Leading Quality Trails - Best of Europe seal by the European Ramblers Association, a certification that highlights the best hiking destinations in Europe, using criteria such as sustainability, the level of experience provided to the user, the quality of its route, and its cultural and natural richness. It has also been approved as a mountain bike Grand Traverse by the Portuguese Cycling Federation. Now, since 2023, the adventure also involves the neighbouring country, the GR22 has gained an Iberian dimension: 13 municipalities from the Deputación de Cáceres have joined the route, adding more than 200 km of Spanish territory and countless historic towns that will surprise the adventurers and around 80 km connecting Portugal to the border. The GR22 now totals approximately 900 kilometres. Those travelling along the GR22 will pass not only through the Historical Villages of Portugal, the anchors of this route, but also historical sites in Spain, making the experience a true Iberian experience. The extension of the GR22 to Spain was carried out under the POCTEP - Cross-Border Cooperation project, thanks to which it was possible to internationalise a Portuguese brand for Spain in the field of soft mobility. As well as the cultural monuments, the GR22 also takes you through some of the most beautiful natural parks in Portugal and Spain, classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Douro International Natural Park and the Côa Valley Archaeological Park, the Tagus International Natural Park and the Serra da Estrela Natural Park, among others. Enjoy the river beaches, the tranquillity and become a conqueror of unusual experiences. Flyer Leading Quality Trails – Best of Europe here. :::NOTICE::: The pedestrianised GR22 has undergone some changes to its route, so if you're interested in walking its entire length you should follow the track available for download on this page. Whenever you venture out on the GR22, we advise you to use a GPS.

GR22 – Long Distance Route Walking

AH Sortelha – AH Castelo Mendo
Castelo Mendo, Sortelha

Places of passage: Urgeira, Sabugal, Ozendo, Soito, Alfaiates, Rebolosa, Aldeia da Ribeira, Vilar Maior, Malhada Sorda, Freineda.

AH Castelo Mendo – AH Almeida
Almeida, Castelo Mendo

Places of passage: Leomil, Ansul, Aldeia Nova, Ponte Grande rio Côa

AH Almeida – AH Castelo Rodrigo
Almeida, Castelo Rodrigo

Places of passage: Malpartida, Almofala, Mata de Lobos, Convento de Sta Maria de Aguiar

AH Castelo Rodrigo – AH Marialva
Castelo Rodrigo, Marialva

Places of passage: Freixeda do Torrão, Faia Brava, Cidadelhe, Juízo, Gateira

AH Marialva – AH Trancoso
Marialva, Trancoso

Places of passage: Rabaçal, Esporões, Moreira de Rei, Castaíde

AH Trancoso – AH Linhares da Beira
Linhares da Beira, Trancoso

Places of passage: Miguel Choco, Venda do Cepo, Aldeia Nova, Muxagata, Vila Soeiro do Chão, Mesquitela, Carrapichana

AH Linhares da Beira – AH Piódão
Linhares da Beira, Piódão

Places of passage: Vale do Rossim, Sabugueiro, Sra. do Desterro, Lapa dos Dinheiros, Valezim, Vide

AH Piódão – AH Castelo Novo
Castelo Novo, Piódão

Places of passage: S. Jorge da Beira, Aradas, Unhais o Velho, Portela de Unhais, Póvoa da Raposeira, Dornelas do Zêzere, Partida, S. Vicente da Beira, Casal da Serra.

AH Castelo Novo – AH Idanha-a-Velha
Castelo Novo, Idanha-a-Velha

Places of passage: Atalaia do Campo, Orca, Aldeia de Santa Margarida, Proença-à-Velha

AH Idanha-a-Velha – AH Monsanto
Idanha-a-Velha, Monsanto

Places of passage: Afonseanes

AH Monsanto – AH Sortelha
Monsanto, Sortelha

Places of passage: Aldeia de João Pires, Penamacor, Meimoa, Meimão.

Vale Rossim – AH Belmonte

Places of passage: Penhas Douradas, Manteigas, Skiparque / Relva da Reboleira, Vale de Amoreira, Valhelhas.